The best lesson I’ve learned this summer is to make promises to myself and keep them! I found that working in the place of my dreams is a bit tricky. The point of the dream can so easily get lost in the murky waters of the day-to-day.
I can drive myself crazy with the lists and lose everything I’ve worked hard for. The first promise I made was to enjoy, spend time with and ride my horse. The weeds, the garbage, the manure – – they could all wait. If I didn’t take that time for us I would be missing the point completely.
The other day I was caught up in the hustle of Soulful Prairies and I made another promise: “I will make time to lie in the new hammock in the pasture.” A warm horsey nose and shared breath brought new energy that could not be found any other way.
Promises to sit on the front porch of the cabin and enjoy conversation, friends and sunsets have proven to bring peace and after all, that truly is the point! Set aside busy and create moments of peace as we enter this spectacular season!Linda