Interested in attending a future Soulful Prairies Retreat, Event or just want to find out more about Soulful Prairies? Join Linda for an afternoon where your questions can be answered.
Take some time to explore the property, especially if this is your first visit. Inside, we'll be serving warm drinks and snacks. Linda will take time to discuss her Equine Gestalt practice and answer questions. There will also be opportunities to view slide shows showcasing the exciting events and retreats planned for the Soulful Prairies 2025 calendar.
Linda owns and runs Soulful Prairies. As an Equine Gestalt Practitioner, her passion is bringing humans and horses together to create an environment of self-discovery. When she is not seeing clients, she offers other healing services to the visitors at Soulful Prairies. Learn more about Linda here!
April 25th - 27th - Whispers from the Herd (SOLD OUT)
May 2nd - 4th - Whispers from the Herd (SOLD OUT)
May 12th - Horse, Yoga, Gong + Meditation
June 6th - Spring Pasture Release
June 11th - Human Herd Release
September 15th - Horse, Yoga, Gong + Meditation
September 18th - Feed Your Soul
October 2nd - 5th - Awe to Wonder
October 6th - Gong in the Grass
November 20th - Feed Your Soul
November 26th - Sound in the Sand